FMG Engineering joins forces with Newport Consulting Engineers to enhance our capabilities and expand our National footprint!

Why Water Sensitive Urban Design matters

Where the water runs, Water Sensitive Urban Design matters.

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) promotes sustainable water use and re-use within our communities. Often unnoticed, WSUD is integrated directly into the urban landscape, commonly disguised as gardens or subtle design features on roadsides and paths.

What is the purpose of Water Sensitive Urban Design?

With increased development densities and greater traffic volumes, treatment of surface stormwater prior to entering drainage systems and the harvesting and reuse of stormwater is of prime importance. WSUD facilitates environmentally conscious water use through:

  • Re-integration of water back into the urban landscape including: groundwater, stormwater, drinking water and wastewater
  • Re-use of water at the source (or as close as possible)
  • Protecting water ways
  • Providing fit-for-purpose water use

Essentially WSUD helps to ensure that water is used wisely and that larger bodies of water are protected from pollutants that can be caught up in stormwater runoff.

What does Water Sensitive Urban Design look like?

WSUD encompasses many forms, from public reserves to small water gardens, underground tree pits or water tanks and carefully considered curb design.

Why do I need a Water Sensitive Urban Design specialist?

No two terrains are the same and require their own unique approach to ensure that the WSUD integration will be as effective as possible. For example, In Adelaide there is an expansive range of clay soils and throughout Melbourne we find shallow rock within the soil profiles. This means that WSUD solutions are not universally compatible. A WSUD specialist can manage these challenges and provide expert advice on how to best incorporate WSUD into your development.

How can FMG assist with your Water Sensitive Urban Design needs?
Our clients rely on FMG’s Civil team to provide fully considered engineering solutions including: Integrated water gardens, complex stormwater management, stormwater reuse and sustainable design as well as incorporating a high degree of landscape finish.

Our specialist services:

  • Water quality assessments
  • Wetland design
  • Wetland clay liner testing
  • Hydrology and hydraulics
  • Bio infiltration
  • Street drainage
  • Water harvesting and reuse
  • Water reticulation design for reclaimed water

Contact the FMG Civil team to discuss your water needs.



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