FMG Engineering is recognised nationally for our expertise in residential soil testing, footing, civil and structural design. Our clients include some of Australia’s largest home building and residential development companies, Government housing and urban land authorities, many smaller builders and individual owner-builders.
For the builder, our efficiency and timely response to enquiries establishes a reputation in the market that leads to sustainable sales and increased profitability.
We guide you through every step of the process to meet the most challenging of Council requirements.
Our responsive service model
- Guaranteed turnaround times
- Cost effective design choices and advice
- Single houses, small subdivisions and/or re-subdivision of existing allotments, unit sites and retirement villages
- Our reputation and attention to design details enables faster trouble free council approval
- Our Electronic Status Tracking System provides instant reports on your job progress
Our extensive experience and capability
- Soil reports and footing plans
- Contour plans and boundary surveys
- Feature surveys and setouts
- Windspeed and bushfire assessments
- Waste water reports and soakage assessments
- Property information and building permits
- Cut and fill plans
- Drainage plans and stormwater designs
- Integrated approach for architectural housing including retaining walls and structural design of roof, walls and floors
- Engineering inspection services